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Words from the Principal

Education is a time bound process shaping  personalities as a result of committed efforts with a visionary approach. The idea of holistic development involves multifaceted roles of providing quality education in much needed conducive ambience. The challenges are big and so go the expectations of all the stake holders. We at BIPS take pride to associate our endeavors with our success stories. We believe that every child has a different learning potential and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding. Developing the best potentials of our students and culminating all efforts to shape wholesome personalities is our objective.


We as a team express our gratitude to the management for their unconditional support behind every effort we make , tracking along the visionary path laid for BIPS. Our sincere thanks to our co-partners, the proud parents, whose co-operation and a firm belief in us, in the process of nurturing the future citizens is worth acknowledging. BIPS is a promising school, providing students and staff with the tools needed to be life-long learners and positive contributors to our community. We are proud of our students, staff and all the proud parents.

While teaching we must remember that the future of the world is in our schools and classrooms...
Vishant Grewal

BIPS, Bidhwan

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